Thirumalai | Paleo² Lab


Paleoceanography & Paleoclimatology at the University of Arizona
We study the history of Earth’s oceans and atmosphere using carbonate fossils & rocks.


Dr. Kaustubh Thirumalai

Welcome—my research group at the Department of Geosciences at the University of Arizona studies climate variability across Earth’s history. We are interested in the causes and mechanisms of past oceanic and atmospheric variations and how such information can help anticipate future impacts of global change. To do so, we use a combination of modern observations, (bio)geochemical measurements, and climate simulations. We are motivated to use the geological record as a laboratory to fully understand the machinery of Earth’s climate system and explore its response to perturbations.

Ongoing research projects include… reconstructing changes in Indian Monsoon strength using speleothems and foraminifera, paleo-ENSO research, Arctic paleoceanography, investigating ocean circulation changes through time, and marine paleoecological responses to abrupt climate change. Reach out if you are interested in joining us!